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aiarchitect | volume 14 the news of america’s community of architects December 14, 2007
Follow this link for a summary of News stories.
Follow this link for a summary of Practice stories.Follow this link for a summary of Business stories.
Follow this link for a summary of Design stories.
November 9 | November 16 | November 30 | December 7
Fourth Factor: Architecture and Medicine
Questions Regarding the AIA Contract Documents 2007 Update?
What Is a Cornerstone Partner?
What Is AIA Louisiana up to?
Advantage Welcomes FedEx
Cover Personal and Business Expenses if Disability Strikes
Visit the AIA Career Center to view/post openings. You can sort the complete list by keyword, category, job level, job type, and location. › Academic Faculty 6
› Administrative Support 1
› Architect 92
› Architectural Intern 16
› Computer Aided Design 2
› Construction Management 18
› Engineering 12
› Facilities Management 3
› Graphic Design 2

› Healthcare Architect 10
› Industrial Design 7
› Interior Design 10
› Landscape Architecture 2
› Marketing 5
› Planning 10
› Project Manager 32
› Specifications 3
› Alabama 2
› California 14
› Colorado 3
› D.C. 4
› Florida 5
› Georgia 4
› Illinois 6
› Iowa 2
› Kentucky 1
› Maine 2
› Maryland 2
› Michigan 2
› Minnesota 1
› Missouri 3
› Nevada 2
› New Jersey 5
› New Mexico 2
› New York 5
› North Carolina 29
› Oklahoma 1
› Oregon 4
› Pennsylvania 3
› South Carolina 1
› Tennessee 1
› Texas 3
› Virginia 5
› Washington 9
  Executive Editor Douglas E. Gordon, Hon. AIA
Managing Editor Stephanie Stubbs, Assoc. AIA
Associate Editor Tracy Ostroff
Associate Editor Russell Boniface
Associate Editor Zachariah Mortice
Graphic Design and Web Publishing Innov8iv Design Incorporated
Contributing Editors: James Atkins, FAIA; Kermit Baker, PhD,
Hon. AIA; Michael J. Crosbie, AIA, PhD; John P. Eberhard, FAIA; Stephen A. Kliment, FAIA; Heather Livingston; Grant Simpson, FAIA; Michael Tardif, Assoc. AIA, Tony P. Wrenn, Hon. AIA.

matri.ARCH.itect: Achieving Balance for Women in Architecture
Amy Yurko, AIA, addresses life-work balance issues that women face as they traverse the profession of architecture.
Full story

Albert M. Comly Jr., AIA, is the director of justice programs for Vitetta in Philadelphia, a certified fire protection specialist, a third-generation volunteer firefighter, and a member of the International Association of Fire Chiefs.
Full story

Fame = Talent + Hubris?
In a letter to the editor this week, Patrick Williams, Assoc. AIA, opines that a designer is more likely to get published with good work and self promotion than just good work.
What do you think?

With 69,917 successful e-mail deliveries . . .
AIArchitect scored a total open rate of 47,016. And the two most popular stories were:
› News Summary
› Signature Centre Achieves LEED Platinum at No Additional Cost

The AIA Board of Directors this week conferred the coming year’s premiere AIA awards for service to the profession and the people it serves. What do you think of the AIA Honor and Awards program?
› It is vital to what the AIA stands for: excellence
› It is good to recognize our peers from time to time
› It is mostly for publicity’s sake
› It is elitism, pure and simple

View all poll results

› AAJ Seeks State-of-the-Art Projects for Justice Facilities Review 2008
› Join the Academy of Architecture for Health at the PDC Annual Conference