december 14, 2006

AAJ Seeks State-of-the-Art Projects for Justice Facilities Review 2008
The AIA Academy of Architecture for Justice invites all registered architects to submit projects that represent the state of the art in justice facility design. Justice Facilities Review 2008 offers an opportunity to put jury-selected projects before administrators, architects, representatives of state and local jurisdictions, and others involved in the justice system. A jury of architects and justice facilities administrators will screen entries. Selected projects will be published in the Justice Facilities Review 2008 and featured in several traveling exhibits. Small firms (i.e., firms with five or fewer staff) are eligible to submit entries at a discounted rate. The AIA encourages architects to submit their design work for consideration. Entry forms are due January 15, 2008. For more information and entry forms, visit the AAJ Web site. (Pictured is Wayne Lyman Morse U.S. Courthouse, Eugene, Ore., by Architect DLR Group, with Design Architect Morphosis, a JFR 2007 cited project. Photo © Tim Griffith.)

Join the Academy of Architecture for Health at the PDC Annual Conference

Group convenes in Orlando March 10–13
Join the AIA Academy of Architecture for Health at the 2008 International Conference and Exhibition on Health Facility Planning, Design and Construction in Orlando, March 10–13, 2008. The conference offers a new format for attendees along with a mission of being more environmentally friendly, visible in this year’s theme: “The Business of Sustaining Our Future.” An opening session with keynote speaker David Suzuki and Vista Award presentations will be held March 10. For details and registration information, visit the AAH Web site.

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