July 27, 2007
Welcome to AIArchitect’s First Theme Issue: Fantasy Architecture
Somewhere between the incessant roar of Pottermania and the sultry whisper of the soft summer night, magic is wafting in the air. And, thanks to some of your more fancifully inclined colleagues, we are pleased to convey a touch of summer magic to you. Welcome to the Fantasy Architecture episode of AIArchitect.

Freespace: An Architecture of Micro-Gravity
Freespace is an eco-adventure tourism facility in which guests and staff co-operate to maintain systems, prepare meals, and explore and experience microgravity. Architect Steve Shaw conceived the idea for his masters’ thesis at the University of Manitoba in 2004. The project allowed Shaw to consider how people respond when their environment is no longer defined by the typical markers of architecture.

Facility at Sea Employs Sustainability and Biomimicry
Clamshell design opens to the elements
While pursuing his master’s degree at the University of Texas, Arlington, Jason Mellard, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP, designed an aquatic research and housing facility to be located 50–100 miles offshore. Citing the Star Wars films, Santiago Calatrava, and offshore oil platforms as inspiration, Mellard’s structure was intended to be a prototype for studying marine and avian life out at sea.

The Pavilion for Oblivion
Ed. Note: Besides its intriguing design, we were struck by the poetry of the narrative for this entry. We have decided to let the narrative by creator Lewis E. Wadsworth IV, Assoc. AIA, stand on its own, rather than interview its author and rewrite his tale in our words.

out there
down here
here to there
back to earth
Welcome to the Design Zone
Here is where you will find our weekly Project Watch, short vignettes on notable projects in this country and abroad. The Design Zone is also where you will find coverage of awards programs, including the national Honor Awards as well as state and local component awards.