August 22, 2008

While Moderating, Downturn Continues at Architecture Firms
Integrated project delivery gaining toehold as delivery method, as collaborative approach of building team mentioned as major benefit
Billings at architecture firms continue to decline, but the slowdown has been moderating in recent months, Chief Economist Kermit Baker, PhD, Hon. AIA, tells us. With a July reading of 46.8 for the Architecture Billings Index, more firms are seeing their billings stabilize, and some are even reporting increases. Inquiries for new projects—with their second highest reading of the year—also have seen some improvement recently. And, as the slowdown prompts an industrywide search for ways to enhance business opportunities, one in eight members of our Work-on-the-Boards panel report having worked on projects organized around the Integrate Project Delivery (IPD) model.

Plan Ahead for Leaner Times: Take Part in the AIA’s “Strategies and Tactics for Architects in an Economic Downturn” Webinar
Register for this free program, Wednesday, September 24, 2:00–3:30 p.m. ET
The AIA Continuing Education Team invites you to take part in the “Strategies and Tactics for Architects in an Economic Downturn” Webinar, Wednesday, September 24, 2:00–3:30 p.m. ET. This Webinar, a sequel to April’s successful “Survive, Even Thrive in an Uncertain Economy” session, places greater emphasis on practical strategies and tactics to manage a design firm through leaner economic times. The downturn in design activity reported by architecture firms in recent months is projected to produce a mild decline in nonresidential construction activity this year, before turning down more significantly in 2009. How can your architecture firm respond? Participation in the September 24 seminar is free, but you must register. Participation is limited to the first 1,200 registrants.

Check Out the “Greenstep” Video #4 on “Vegetation for Sun Control”
Two-minute programs augment the Institute’s Walk the Walk campaign
This week, the AIA launched the fourth of 12 short video episodes for architects to share with clients who want to plan a new building or renovate an existing one using green building principles. “Vegetation for Sun Control” shows clients how strategically placed trees and other greenery can save energy and money by shading the building from the hot summer sun and inviting in warming winter rays. (The first video is on water conservation; the second covers smart controls; and the third, radiant heating and cooling.) Greenstep is the new aspect of the AIA’s “Walk the Walk” marketing campaign to help clients and the public learn more about sustainable design elements and how architects are providing energy-efficient solutions to help lower our collective and individual carbon footprints. The video series resides on the “Walk the Walk” Web site, and new videos will appear biweekly. Check it out and share with your clients.

Architecture for Humanity Needs 2,000 Clicks by September 1: One Could Be Yours!
American Express is currently offering $2.5 million dollars in funding to support exciting and innovative ideas that make a difference in the world. They will be selecting five “Members Projects” for funding. Architecture for Humanity is teaming up with Lulan Artisans in Bangkok to help expand their successful model of fair-trade weaving cooperatives employing 600 workers throughout Southeast Asia. Through this project, “End Human Trafficking Through Sustainable Livelihoods,” Architecture for Humanity and its designers will provide innovative off-the-grid weaving centers employing 6,000 workers in a manner that respects tradition but represents a new way forward. The new centers will be built in areas where young women currently have little hope of gaining employment and often are trafficked into prostitution, some as young as 12 years old.

We’re Taking Next Week Off!
To celebrate Labor Day and the impending return of autumn, AIArchitect will be on vacation and will not publish next Friday, August 29. Join us again, refreshed and renewed, on September 5, when we will explore KieranTimberlake’s Cellophane House on display as part of the Museum of Modern Art’s Home Delivery: Fabricating the Modern Dwelling exhibition, mark Cuningham Group’s 40th anniversary, and continue our series on the 21st Century Workplace. And Fans of Filippo: Brunelleschi will be with us again in Episode 8 of Jim Atkins’ “Il Duomo: Brunelleschi and the Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore” series. Enjoy the end of summer!

Green in between
back to earth

Welcome to the Business Zone
This is the place for our monthly Work-on-the-Boards survey report, quarterly Housing Trends survey report, and biannual Consensus Forecast, all by AIA Chief Economist Kermit Baker, PhD, Hon. AIA. You’ll also find tips for managing the business side of your practice, as well as the weekly Kiplinger Connection.