July 10, 2009

Hord Coplan Macht Buoys Bottom Line with Stimulus Package Projects
The rush to stimulate the economy with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) signed into law in February placed an emphasis on “shovel-ready” projects that can be put into the ground rapidly, precluding much design, and, it’s been feared, precluding architects. But one Baltimore firm has already seen the health of their business buoyed by projects deemed “design-worthy” of ARRA stimulus funding. Hord Coplan Macht has recently completed designs for three affordable housing projects supported by low-income tax credits from the stimulus package.

Can Intern Architects Work for Free to Get IDP Experience?
Employment opportunities are limited for recent architecture graduates who want to fulfill their Intern Development Program (IDP) training requirement. Some firms may be wondering if they can “do good” by giving intern architects work experience in unpaid positions. Generally speaking, federal employment law dictates that the answer is “no.”

Follow These Steps When an Owner Presents You with a One-Sided Agreement
People who negotiate on behalf of corporation or institutional clients, or on behalf of public and municipal entities, often insist that their standard contracts are not negotiable. However, contracts can always be changed, even when clients steadfastly tell you otherwise.

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