November 21, 2008
Economic Downturn Stalling Design Activity
With both billings and inquiries heading down, firms expect a broad range of changes over the coming year
As the economy continues to spiral downward, design and construction activities increasingly are being slowed down, put on hold, or cancelled, reports AIA Chief Economist Kermit Baker, PhD, Hon. AIA. These trends have accelerated recently with the problems in credit markets, as many projects that otherwise are viable are unable to secure financing. The result is that many architecture firms have experienced a sharp slowdown in activity, with both billings on ongoing projects and inquiries for new projects posting their sharpest monthly declines in the AIA’s 13 year history of tracking architecture business trends.

The Economy • Global Outlook • Climate Change

The Economy: No quick fixes for the president-elect.
Global Outlook: China’s stimulus is not enough; Europe is dragging.
Climate Change: Will cap and trade stimulate alternatives?

December 12 is Deadline for Honorary Membership, AIA Housing Awards, AIA/HUD Secretary Awards
Just a friendly reminder that submissions are due December 12 for:

  • Honorary Membership, recognizing persons of esteemed character who are not eligible for membership in the Institute but who have given distinguished service to the profession of architecture or the allied arts and sciences, as well as national and component staff members who have served on staff for at least 10 years.
  • AIA Housing Awards, established by the AIA Housing and Custom Residential Knowledge Community to emphasize the importance of good housing as a necessity of life, a sanctuary for the human spirit, and a valuable national resource.
  • AIA/HUD Secretary Awards, established by the AIA Housing and Custom Residential Knowledge Community in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, recognize excellence in affordable housing architecture, neighborhood design, participatory design, and accessibility.

All submissions must be made online. For details and submission forms, visit the AIA Honors and Awards Web site. Pictured is Wildcat Ridge Residence, Snowmass Village, Colo., by Voorsanger Architects. Photo © Paul Warchol.)

AIA President-elect Marvin Malecha to Deliver Keynote Address at the December Ecobuild America
AIA members receive CES credits and special discount
AIA President-elect Marvin Malecha, FAIA, will present “Inheritance and Responsibility,” the keynote address on December 10, 3:00–3:45 p.m. at the annual Ecobuild Fall and AEC-ST Fall, a conference and products exhibition at the Washington Convention Center, Washington D.C., December 8–11. Ecobuild covers the breadth of green building, sustainable design, renewable energy, and integrated project delivery for commercial, industrial, institutional, and residential construction. Attendees include the federal government, design and construction decision makers from the public sector and private practice, AEC professionals, owners, developers, and facility managers—the entire project team. AIA CES Learning Units are available. Because the Institute is a major sponsor of EcoBuild, AIA members are eligible for a 20 percent discount. Visit the Ecobuild America Web site for more information and to register online. To obtain the additional 20 percent AIA member discount, use code AIAF8 during checkout.

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Welcome to the Business Zone
This is the place for our monthly Work-on-the-Boards survey report, quarterly Housing Trends survey report, and biannual Consensus Forecast, all by AIA Chief Economist Kermit Baker, PhD, Hon. AIA. You’ll also find tips for managing the business side of your practice, as well as the weekly Kiplinger Connection.