February 16, 2007
  School Building Expo, CAE Unite for Conference March 6–8 in West Palm Beach
The 2007 School Building Expo, March 6–8, in West Palm Beach, Fla., is the premier gathering of architects, school facilities planners, and other professionals charged with designing school facilities for America's children. It's held in conjunction with the meeting of the AIA Committee on Architecture for Education, so it's really two meetings in one. This is the event of the year for school architects, so don't miss it. You can share new ideas, learn innovative and practical methods to use in your practice, and earn 15 CES learning units to boot. You'll tour some of South Florida's most interesting schools and have the opportunity to visit with more than 125 suppliers of school facilities products in the exhibit hall. Visit the expo Web site for more information and to register.

RUDC Roundtable to Explore Architects’ Expanding Role in City and Regional Design
The AIA Regional and Urban Design Committee invites you to join the ”Expanding Scale: Architects as Design Agents in the City & Region” roundtable, March 23–25, in Providence. Why Providence? The AIA RUDC Advisory Group needed to identify a North American venue that would offer its members access to the urban design challenges and lessons affecting the majority of cities and regions on the continent. Objectives include engaging RUDC members and architects from around the world in a dialogue about the role of the architecture profession in society, architects’ willingness to intervene in other arenas/scales, the current state of urban design theory and practice, when to engage allied professions, cultural and national distinctions in educating and training urbanists, and the nature and challenges of cross-disciplinary practice. For more information, visit the RUDC Web site.

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