February 16, 2007
  Accent on Architecture: Accent on Excellence
Annual gala highlights architecture, architects, and service
More than 1,000 architects and their architecture-loving friends joined the American Architectural Foundation, in partnership with the AIA, for the 18th annual Accent on Architecture gala on February 9 in the Great Hall of the historic National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. As in years past, the gala offered a glorious opportunity to honor America’s architectural best. Heightening the significance of this year’s event is concurrent celebration of the AIA’s 150th anniversary.

Successful Capitol Hill Visits Promote Sustainability Agenda
Lawmakers and congressional aides greeted nearly 800 architects and Institute leaders last week during Advocacy Day visits to Capitol Hill. The AIA contingents reported successful meetings in the Senate and House offices, where they stressed action on energy efficiency in federal buildings, sustainable design and water quality, and tax deductions for energy-efficient commercial buildings. The Grassroots advocates said the AIA issues agenda and message resonated with policymakers on both sides of the aisle, resulting in promises of support for AIA legislative priorities.

AIA President Stewart Testifies on Energy Efficiency in Federal Buildings
AIA President RK Stewart, FAIA, called upon Congress to take the lead in the fight against global warming by establishing new energy consumption standards for federal buildings. “As Congress has jurisdiction over all federal buildings, Congress can literally show the way for the private sector to attain energy consumption reductions by the built environment,” Stewart told a subcommittee of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee February 12. “The AIA believes strongly that now is the time to act to address climate change by tackling energy use in buildings. Our nation needs to begin making significant reductions in the amount of fossil-fuel generated energy our buildings consume.” For more on Stewart’s testimony, read The Angle.

Component Awards, National Service Awards Conferred
The AIA’s Component Awards Program, long a highlight of the Grassroots Conference, honored seven recipients at Grassroots 2007 last week with awards in three categories: Public Affairs and Communications, Government Advocacy, and Membership. Also conferred at the ceremony were the 2006 National Service Awards, the AIA Staff Awards, the CACE Executive of the Year Award, and the Norman Koonce Unity Award.

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