december 15, 2006
  Homeowners Looking for Greater Accessibility to Services and More Mixed-Uses in Communities and Neighborhoods
Community design trends are moving toward greater accessibility to public facilities, such as transportation and commercial activities, according to Chief Economist Kermit Baker, PhD, Hon. AIA, who is reporting in this issue on the AIA’s latest Home Design Trends Survey. Neighborhood design trends favor more mixed-use activities with infill and other higher-density development, and with dedicated areas for recreation and open space. Survey responses also indicate that traditional design of neighborhoods and homes with upscale exteriors, and windows and porches to encourage more street-level interaction also are gaining popularity.

The Economy • Human Resources• The World

The Economy: Looking worse than a few months ago, but not for everybody.
Human Resources: Looking for able hands? Think job fair.
Business Trends: Web-based phone services now available for small businesses.

Letters to the Editor: Intern Titling
Emotions run high on the subject of intern titling—both for keeping the title “intern” and for changing it—in this week’s letters to the editor as well as the joint National Associates Committee/AIArchitect blog. While we edited some of the letters, we published one from William H. Prelogar Jr., AIA, Prairie Village, Kan., in entirety because of the number of thoughtful suggestions he has put forth. It’s the last one.

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Welcome to the Business Zone
This is the place for our monthly Work-on-the-Boards survey report, quarterly Housing Trends survey report, and biannual Consensus Forecast, all by AIA Chief Economist Kermit Baker, PhD, Hon. AIA. You’ll also find tips for managing the business side of your practice, as well as the weekly Kiplinger Connection.