december 1, 2006
  Philadelphia’s Citizen Architects Plan the City’s Future
In addition to the AIA members who won elected office in the November elections, at least one major city is turning to its architects to plan its future. In October, Philadelphia Mayor John Street announced the appointment of Janice Woodcock, AIA, as the new executive director of the Philadelphia City Planning Commission.

1987–1996: Technology, Diversity, and Expansion

1987 heralded a decade of public outreach, as the Institute joined with world leaders—Presidents Reagan, Bush, and Clinton and Prince Charles—in acknowledging the public power and promise of architecture, writes historian Tony P. Wrenn, Hon. AIA. It also marked the centennial celebration of the first woman member of the AIA, Louise Bethune; the first woman president of the AIA, Susan Maxman, FAIA; and the first woman chancellor of the College of Fellows, L. Jane Hastings, FAIA.

BuildingGreen Announces 2006 Top 10 Green Building Products
BuildingGreen Inc., publisher of the GreenSpec® Directory and Environmental Building News, announced its 2006 Top10 Green Building Products on November 15. This fifth annual award recognizes the most exciting products drawn from additions to the two publications. Three of BuildingGreen's winning products this year save energy, two save water, three products are made from recycled waste, one salvages material, and the last turns concrete into a “great flooring option for commercial buildings.”

Love Me Tender: Maintaining the Client Relationship

“Since our clients are our greatest assets, there is no better way to close out the year than to discuss the architect-client relationship,” observe Jim Atkins, FAIA, and Grant A. Simpson, FAIA. “Architects covet repeat clients, for they represent love, loyalty, and low marketing costs. Repeat clients do not require expensive wining and dining. They trust and value you enough that they just call you up and tell you they want you to do another project; and, by the way, the kick-off meeting is tomorrow.”

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