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With August Gains, Nearly a Year of Non-Residential Billings Growth

The broader economy is still underperforming, but signs point to a long-term upswing in non-residential design activity.

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Cities as a Lab: Designing the Innovation Economy

An AIA Local Leaders report reveals how, through fermenting chance encounters with diverse populations, cities are ideal cradles for entrepreneurship and multidisciplinary experimentation.

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Download the AIA Local Leaders Report--Cities as a Lab: Designing the Innovation Economy >



Houston Award Winners Sway in the Gulf Coast Breeze

Lounge awhile in the shaded recess of AIA Houston’s latest design awards; quintessential expressions of contemporary Gulf Coast architecture.

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Brazil’s Infrastructure Design Surge is Calling U.S. Architects

Almost as large as the United States in size and with two-thirds of its population, Brazil is looking to upgrade its transit and industrial infrastructure in a hurry.

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Sign up for the AIA Virtual Convention Session: Rio De Janiero Olympic Park Master Plan Process >

See what else the AIA Virtual Convention has to offer >


Morse and Ezra Stiles Colleges;

2013 recipient of an AIA Honor Award for Architecture.

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Special Issues:

2013 AIA National Convention
Day 1  |  Day 2  |  Day 3  |  2013 Awards Special (Dec. 6) |  Design for the Common Good (Nov. 16)

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Most viewed content from the last issue:

With Upturn, Homes Are More Specialized and Technologically Savvy

Harvest Commons Apartments Offer More Than Just a Room of One’s Own

Higher Education Buildings Get AIA Wisconsin Honors



‘Landmark Decision’ on Governance Announced by AIA National Board of Directors

The Institute will adopt a new governance structure to remake the AIA as a "visionary membership organization focused on serving members and elevating the public awareness of the importance of architecture."

Read letter to all members from 2013 AIA President Mickey Jacob, FAIA >

Watch video documenting Board’s governance decision >

Read new Alignment Statement and Repositioning FAQs >

Join the Next Repositioning the AIA Virtual Town Hall on Oct. 25 >

Take Five

By Robert Ivy, FAIA

The AIA and the Clinton Global Initiative

The AIA shared the stage with presidents and rock stars at the annual meeting of the Clinton’s nonprofit.

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KCs, Member Group Awarded Innovation Grants

Two AIA Knowledge Communities (Small Project Practitioners and the Custom Residential Architects Network), as well as the the Small Firm Roundtable, have been selected by Repositioning the AIA Ambassadors to receive Innovation Fund Grants.

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See all the Innovation Grants >

Go to the Repositioning the AIA landing page >

News and Resources

Career Center | Featured Jobs |
Hiring? View AIArchitect Featured Listing Rates
RFP: La Crosse, Wis., Pocket Neighborhood
RFQ: Chicago Bridge Design Services
Competition: 2014 Berkeley Prize—The Architect and the Healthful Environment
Competition: Bay Bridge House Design


Advocacy: The Affordable Care Act--Learn What Employers Need to Do by Oct. 1
AIA KnowledgeNet: Earn 5.5 AIA LUs this Fall with Free Virtual Webinars
Register for the AIA Taliesin Colloquium on the Practice of Historic Architecture, Oct. 18-19
100 Resilient Cities Commitment to Action Announced at Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting
Let Your Voice be Heard: Take the AIA 2014 Call for Issues Survey
Overdrive: L.A. Constructs the Future Exhibit Begins at the National Building Museum Oct. 20
Design for Diplomacy: Attend the State Department’s Overseas Building Operations Open House on Oct. 9
ACSA and AIA Historic Resources Committee Partner on Student Ideas Competition
Architecture and Design Film Festival Begins Oct. 16 in New York
National Endowment for the Arts Announce Place-Making Program: Grants Range from $25,000-$200,000
Seattle Times:
How the spaces around us dictate our health
The State Journal-Register:
Mike Waldinger, Hon. AIA: Illinois Capitol deserves special attention
Fast Company:
Bad Urban Planning Is Why You’re Fat
Parks make us smarter — science proves it!
Colorado Springs Gazette:
Frank Lloyd Wright’s Granddaughter, Famed Colorado Springs architect Elizabeth Wright Ingraham dies at age 91
Washington Post:
Infographic: How D.C. Could Look if the Height Restriction Changes



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