The American institute of Architects The American Institute of Architects


I would like to provide this update on the landmark decision made by the AIA National Board of Directors last week at our meeting in Toronto. I am so proud of the bold leadership of our Board that moves us closer to our goal of the Repositioning-remaking the AIA as a visionary membership organization focused on serving members and elevating the public awareness of the importance of architecture. We are very excited to share the news throughout the Institute.

Below is a link to a video documenting our vote to adopt a new governance structure that will position the AIA to more effectively address important issues affecting members and the profession. Watch the video:

To recognize this historic decision, members of the Board signed the document outlining the Governance Resolution and our new Repositioning alignment statement, "Advancing Through Architecture," that marks this new chapter in AIA history. You can see the signed document on the Repositioning landing page,

The Board decision completely restructures Institute Governance. First, a smaller Board of Directors comprised of 11 to 15 members will have well-defined strategic, fiduciary responsibility to the Institute. These Board members will be elected Officers and appointed At-Large Directors. Second, a larger Council will be responsible to develop a vision for the compelling issues of the day that impact the profession. The composition of the Council will ensure diversity in geography, demographics, knowledge, and subject-matter expertise.

How will this benefit you? Creating a smaller Board of Directors that will more efficiently and effectively focus on operational issues allows the Council to be fully engaged with strategic issues concerning practice, the profession, and society. With their practical insights and leadership, we’ll be better able to take advantage of opportunities that can positively impact the profession. Most importantly, moving toward streamlined governance will instill confidence in an AIA that is relevant and responsive to member feedback.

A key aspect of our Board deliberation is found in the alignment statement we crafted working in consultation with Kotter International, one of the world’s best in helping organizations make significant and lasting change.  Kotter helped us to combine all of the feedback and key takeaways from the Repositioning research and create a simple compelling distillation of our commitment and direction toward a renewed AIA. It’s titled:

Advancing Through Architecture

The first sentence of the statement sets the tone: "Together, we agree that the time is now to change the way we think and behave in order to shape our future." It’s what the Repositioning means. Changing how we think and behave-but, now we can do so with a clear understanding of our priorities.

Read it yourself on the Repositioning landing page at

A very bright future and many opportunities lie ahead if we make our AIA the visionary organization we desire. Join me, our Board colleagues, our components, our staff, and our members in advancing the AIA beyond Repositioning. It’s up to us. We can, and will, make a difference "Through Architecture."


Mickey Jacob, FAIA
2013 AIA President

The American Institute of Architects
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Washington, DC 20006