It's really based on the knowledge, on the process of narratives or storytelling. It actually integrates into a team structure students, recent graduates from architecture schools, and seasoned professionals on active projects. And it's actually a Web-based kind of format so that one can keep adding stories to this. Where we are in relationship to the research, we're actually now in the process and getting very close to having a search engine to be able to go into these case studies, each of these stories find a kind of the connection between the stories.
And so you can begin to use key-word structures to look at kind of pieces of the actual stories that are there and begin to have that as an informant or evidence to bring to evidence-based design. And in conclusion, I just want to mention four things. First, I think one of the big challenges for this group is that we need to find ways to integrate this evidence into practice.
We have a tradition of research but most of it never gets to practice. We really need to focus on the notion of the collaborative model that integrates the kind of academic community, the profession and the client and others who have vested interest in what we do. There’s a major issue in relationship to the streams of funding and then I think we really need leadership commitment about, from the profession, from the academy, and from the kind of others who have a kind of interest in this.
Because I actually think we're really in our infancy and after Matt's presentation I'm absolutely convinced we're in our infancy in relationship to the academic community and I think that is actually even true in the profession in relationship to having research as a major kind for piece of our agenda. So, thank you.
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Mike Martin, PhD, FAIA
University of California at Berkeley
2005 Latrobe Award Recipient