
Again, these are the major pieces when you're in the research culture for the professions. This idea of use-inspired research really should be driving a lot of the projects. Translation is a connection to your profession. You must integrate it with whatever your norms are and within the academics we teach. Finally, if you are going into a research thing, it's sort of a jump, going over the precipice. Research tends to drive your operations.

All you have to do is go to any major medical school in the country right now, and you know how research tends to drive almost all operations. I'll close with a couple of ideas of what constitutes a truly successful research culture. First, you go after the big stuff, right? Go after large, societal issues. You know, go after global warming. Again, it's inspired by the use. Second, use the research. Don't think it as foreign. Use successful research to continuously revitalize the academic program. We fight this battle all the time in engineering. As you progress this way, you're going to be fighting this battle all the time. It has to do with accreditation, and it also has to do with the expectations of some of the industries where your kids are going to go to work.

Do it right, though, and the research can continuously revitalize and help reinforce some of the fundamental concepts that you have in your academic program. You must manage it. It is a business. It's not somebody showing up with a checkbook and giving you funds to do things. It’s a business, and it has to be managed like any other piece of your business.

The last one is I'll leave you with is the part that has driven me for well over 30 years—and I think drives all successful research engineers and scientists—and that is when you're in the mode of continuously looking in that loop of use-inspired research heading toward translation, framing fundamental use driven loop is about as entrepreneurial as you can get.

Every aspect of this involves both risk and significant reward, which is sort of the definition of entrepreneur. If you embed everything you do with risk taking, you take risk as a new way of educating. Our chemical engineering department right now is totally rewriting their graduate curriculum based on nanoscale and molecular engineering. You can take risks like that if you have that kind of spirit.

That’s where I'm going to end. Thank you very much.

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