October 16, 2009

Make the Most out of Your Teaming Partnerships
Nowadays, it’s rare for an architecture firm to pursue a major project without including a second or sometimes even third architecture firm to help win the project. While teaming continues to be an increasingly popular, accepted, and, in many cases, necessary, approach, there are several elements to consider before solidifying your teaming arrangement.

Copyright or Copy Wrong: Who Owns Your Photographs?
You may know (or think you know) your basic rights and obligations under copyright law. But what misconceptions are commonly held by people you work with, your boss or employees, your clients, or your consultants? You might be surprised.

This is the fifth in a series of articles exploring various aspects of copyright that are frequently misunderstood. In this installment, we consider another type of copyrightable work that architects frequently use: photographs.

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Welcome to the Practice Zone
This is the home of the weekly Best Practices column, news of tips and tools that you can use in your day-to-day practice and case studies illustrating “how-tos” and “lessons learned” for all stages of practice. The Practice Zone also features reports of research in architecture and related fields.