October 16, 2009
  Update: Team Germany Overtakes California and Illinois to Win 2009 Solar Decathlon
For the second competition in a row, the German team from Technische Universität Darmstadt won the U. S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon. The German team edged out Team California (from Santa Clara University, California College of the Arts), which had won the individual architecture and communications competitions, but ultimately took third place. Team Illinois, from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, came in second. The German team had a perfect score in the net metering competition, which measures house’s ability to sell energy back to the grid..

International Green Construction Code Effort Tackles Building Commissioning and Adoptability
With their third meeting in Philadelphia last week, building industry experts are zeroing in on the critical issues that will determine the International Green Construction Code (IGCC), both in terms of technical policy and adoptability by states and municipalities. Now in the middle of its first phase of draft development, the multidisciplinary team of architects, sustainability experts, civic officials, standards writers, and code officials headlining the effort to craft a green construction code are focusing on adoptability issues for parts of the building process previously untouched by codes—namely post-occupancy building commissioning. The International Green Construction Code Safe and Sustainable by the Book initiative will determine what parties will verify building’s performance according to code, what their roles will be, and what the commissioning timeline will be. “We’re going to boldly go where we haven’t gone before [within the existing I-Codes],” says Christopher Green, AIA, the Sustainable Building Technology Committee (SBTC) vice chair. “The codes up to this point have basically stopped their function at the certificate of occupancy.”

Build Boston: 25 years of success
For a quarter of a century, the Boston Society of Architects (BSA) has gathered design and construction industry professionals at the Build Boston convention and tradeshow. Now, despite the weak economy, Build Boston continues to thrive. When asked why, BSA leaders point to Build Boston’s focus on the entire project team.

Participate in the ABI and Get Ahead of the Competition
Participating in the Architecture Billings Index takes little time each month and nets significant returns in information that will improve your firm’s competitive insight and position.

AIAS Honored for Freedom by Design
The Paralyzed Veterans of America honored the American Institute of Architecture Students September 16 with its Access Through Architecture Award, recognizing the AIAS Freedom by Design™ Program. The PVA award honors and promotes leadership, innovation, and action by recognizing members of the design community who are advancing the cause of universal accessibility.

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