March 27, 2009
  Candidates Issue Statements

Summary: Elections for the Institute’s next first vice president/president-elect, vice presidents, and treasurer will be held April 30–May 2 at the AIA 2009 National Convention and Expo in San Francisco. Now posted is a PDF file of all eight candidates’ position statements.

Candidates declared: The candidates who have declared for the 2009 elections are:

2010 First Vice President/2011 President-elect

  • Clark D. Manus, FAIA (AIA San Francisco)
  • Miguel A. Rodriguez, AIA (AIA Miami)

2010-2012 Vice President (two will be elected)

  • Dennis A. Andrejko, FAIA (AIA Buffalo)
  • Mickey Jacob, FAIA (AIA Tampa Bay)
  • Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA (AIA Boston Society of Architects)
  • Anne Laird-Blanton, AIA (AIA San Francisco)


  • David J. Brotman, FAIA (AIA Los Angeles)
  • John W. Rogers, AIA, ACHA (AIA Cincinnati)

If you have questions in the meantime, contact AIA General Counsel Jay Stephens, Esq. or Senior Director of Governance Administration Pam Day.

news headlines

Click here to see the PDF of the candidate’s position statements.

Click here to view videos of the candidate's speeches given February 5, 2009, at the Grassroots conference in Washington, D.C.