November 11, 2008
  Small Is Beautiful: Enter the Small Projects Awards Program
Submissions due January 10
The AIA Small Project Practitioners (SPP) Knowledge Community announces its fourth annual Small Project Awards Program, recognizing small-project practitioners for the high quality of their work and promoting excellence in small-project design. This award program emphasizes the excellence of small-project design and strives to raise public awareness of the value and design excellence that architects bring to projects, no matter the limits of size and scope. Submissions will be accepted through January 10, 2008, 5:00 p.m., ET. (Pictured is Loons Nest, Emily, Minn., by SALA Architects, a 2007 Small Projects Award recipient. Photo courtesy of the architect.)

Don’t Miss This Design for Aging Webinar on POE on December 10
The Design for Aging Knowledge Community invites you to join them for the “Design for Aging Post-Occupancy Evaluations” Webinar highlighting award-winning design for seniors December 10, 2:00–3:30 p.m. ET: What is a Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE)? What can be learned to improve our design of living environments for seniors? Find the answers in this presentation showcasing three award-winning projects in Texas from the Design for Aging Review 9. See what lessons were learned and how effective solutions can be easily implemented in future projects and how to avoid critical errors. Through data collection and analysis, interviews, on-site observations, and graphics and images, POEs evaluate and explain what design features work well and which do not and provide the foundation for evidence-based design.

The program offers 1.5 HSW LUs, and features the following panelists:
Dennis Cope, AIA; Frank S. Crane, retired president and CEO, River Woods Company; John W. Gould, AIA, BKV Group, Inc.: and Tom Hauer, executive director, Covenant Village. For more information, visit the Design for Aging Web site.

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