September 19, 2008

AIA Responds to Economic Turmoil With Tools and Resources
Podcast series starts with Kiplinger VP, Webinars and enhanced Web resources in the works
This week’s “Wild Ride on Wall Street” and the general state of the economy challenge many of us in ways we’ve not experienced before. Working at the speed of a derivatives broker, the AIA is organizing our resources and collaborating with seasoned colleagues, financial experts, and knowledgeable leaders in other organizations to help you safely navigate through rough economic times. You might start by viewing the Webinar the AIA offered last April “Architecture Practice in an Economic Downturn,” which presents real-world insights from your colleagues facing the same issues.

In three weeks, we will host a Webinar focused on the real estate development market, moderated by the editor of National Real Estate Investor magazine, in which architects and developers will share insights on how to work together through this difficult time. Later today, look for several new offerings from the AIA, including the new Managing the Economy resource center, with links to articles and tools to help you deal effectively with the challenges now facing your career and practice. We kick off a podcast series today with the managing editor of The Kiplinger Letter, who will talk about the immediate actions architects should take for their personal and professional financial health.

Each week different experts will share tips to help you. Check later today to learn what you can do to protect you and your firm. And read AIArchitect every week to stay in touch with additional efforts being developed.

Florida, Indiana Recognize Green Building Initiative’s Green Globes Rating System
Florida and Indiana recently joined the growing list of states that recognize the Green Building Initiative’s (GBI) Green Globes environmental assessment and rating system. The not-for-profit, Portland, Ore.-based Green Building Initiative, through its Green Globes system, promotes the adoption of energy-efficient building practices. Florida and Indiana combine to make a total of 19 states recognizing GBI’s rating system.

Soaring CHAD
Leveraging our future through sharing our gift
AIA President Marshall Purnell, FAIA, would like to tell you about
an opportunity unique to architects. As he says, the design process—our core competency—guides those who use it to new horizons of possibility.

For a Better Built Environment Tomorrow, Register to Vote Today
For a Better Built Environment Tomorrow, Register to Vote Today
This year, the AIA launched DesignVote08, an initiative to encourage member engagement in the 2008 elections. DesignVote08 is a nonpartisan effort to mobilize architects to vote—while also positioning them front and center on the public-policy issues affecting them in the 2008 campaign and for years to come. DesignVote 08 can help by taking you to your state election office’s Web site, which can tell you how to register to vote and help you identify your local polling place.

AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion Nominations Due Oct. 24
Nominations for the 2009 AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion for Excellence in Architectural Education must be postmarked by October 24. The annual honor, awarded jointly by the AIA and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), pays homage to a living individual who has made outstanding contributions to architecture education—primarily in North America—for at least 10 years and whose teaching has influenced a broad range of students. Any colleague, student, or former student may nominate candidates for the Topaz Medallion. New this year: All submissions must be provided on a disk, not in a binder. For more information, contact the AIA Honors and Awards department, or visit the AIA Honors and Awards Web site. (Pictured is Stanley Tigerman, FAIA, the 2008 Topaz Medallion recipient.)

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This is where you will find the latest happenings in the Institute, the profession, and the wider world of building design and construction. The News Zone also carries commentary from AIA elected representatives as well as major new commissions, completions, and openings.