May 23, 2008

Design Slowdown Continues in April
Fewer new projects and delays on existing projects contribute to decline in architecture work loads
Billings at U.S. architecture firms declined again in April, the third straight month that architecture firms have reported a slowdown in activity. However, the decline showed signs of moderating this past month, as the AIA Architecture Billings Index was less negative in April than in February or March. Firms in all regions reported weakening business conditions. Institutional firms held steady again in April, while conditions continued to decline steeply at residential and commercial/industrial firms.

Stand Up and Be Counted: Join the AIA Work-on-the-Boards Panel
Simply answer three questions online once a month
Work-on-the-Boards, the monthly survey that forms the basis of the Architectural Billings Index, is conducted by the AIA's Economics and Market Research group. The survey of firm principals and partners allows participants to track business conditions as they change. Participation enables you to compare your firm to others, track the economy and local business conditions, and use data to target business opportunities.

The panel is open to any AIA member who is principal/partner of their firm. The survey is administered completely online, and you will receive an invitation to participate the first week of each month. Participants also receive a special announcement before the report is published in AIArchitect. To join the survey panel or obtain more information, go to the survey Web site.

The Economy • World Business • Pinching Pennies

The Economy: Why does this inflation feel worse than it actually is?
World Business: Dollar bottoms out against Euro.
Pinching pennies: Making cents out of steel.

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Welcome to the Business Zone
This is the place for our monthly Work-on-the-Boards survey report, quarterly Housing Trends survey report, and biannual Consensus Forecast, all by AIA Chief Economist Kermit Baker, PhD, Hon. AIA. You’ll also find tips for managing the business side of your practice, as well as the weekly Kiplinger Connection.