May 2, 2008
  Namaste Solar Shines on Local Nonprofits
Solar PV company is donating 1 percent of its revenue to install solar panels

Denver-area solar panel installer Namaste Solar is donating solar panels to local nonprofits. Two different grant types will give 1 percent of its projected 2008 revenue to these groups. The grants are designed to work with state and federal alternative energy rebates and credits.

Green Attributes of Products and Materials
This article offers a sampling of new content, which makes up a third of the recently released The Architects Handbook of Professional Practice, Fourteenth Edition, edited by the AIA and published by John Wiley & Sons Inc. It is drawn from Section 12.8, “Environmentally Preferable Product Selection,” by Building Green’s Nadav Malin and was written with the intention of helping building professionals make more informed choices about products by understanding the standards that currently govern and guide their classification as ”green.”

Take a Real Vacation … Unplug Yourself from the Office
Nancy D. O’Reilly, PsyD, tell the story of Ann the Architect, who works for a busy firm, often putting in 80-hour weeks to please her clients and principals. She was constantly on her laptop or checking her messages via her Blackberry. When it came time for a vacation, Ann’s husband finally convinced her take a weeklong cruise—without her Blackberry. Guess what happened!?!

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