March 21, 2008
  Carbon-zero ZeroHouse
Mini-luxury home steps lightly on the earth

A 650-square-foot, off-the-grid luxury mini-home, zeroHouse is both “completely comfortable [and] self-reliant,” says Scott Specht, AIA. Attached to the land with a helical anchor foundation, the home is easy to ship and install. ZeroHouse provides its own power generation, water collection and storage, and waste processing for up to four adults.

Code of Ethics Reflects Support for Pro Bono Work, Sustainability
AIA Associate General Counsel Gregory Hancks, AIA, Esq., explains that the AIA’s ethical code has been amended more than 30 times since first adopted 99 years ago under the name “Principles of Professional Practice and the Canons of Ethics.” Now called the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, these standards were most recently amended last December by the AIA Board. The 2007 additions reflect the Board’s support for positive action by Institute members in two areas: pro bono services and sustainable design and practice.

AIA Government Advocacy and Advocacy Week
What you can do to have your voice heard
The AIA Government Advocacy team works to develop members’ abilities to lobby and engage their government and also brings architects’ concerns to the federal government with an in-house lobbying staff. As an outgrowth of their ongoing efforts to promote member engagement with legislators, the AIA Government Advocacy department is sponsoring Advocacy Week, during which they will support member architects as they bring legislative agendas to federal lawmakers. How can you take advantage of AIA Government Advocacy’s services and its Advocacy Week program?

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