March 21, 2008
Pamela J. Loeffelman, FAIA

With a clear set of priorities based on the AIA’s mission, the proven ability to lead, and the desire to work with others to make connections, if elected, I will provide results by:

  • Better grounding AIA initiatives with the added value of design excellence to position the AIA strategically as an organization that provides the definitive authoritative source and credible voice
  • Equitably representing all AIA stakeholders—local, state, regional, and national components; knowledge communities; and affiliate groups—to maximize member value
  • Recognizing the need for a more transparent dialogue on governance, policy, advocacy, and outreach in order to provide optimal organizational performance.

Professional experience
In professional practice, I have worked over the past 30 years nationally and internationally on projects diverse in geography, project type, and project delivery.

  • 1978-1980 Kolb and Stansfield; Seattle
  • 1980-2002 Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates; New York City
  • 2002-present Perkins Eastman; Stamford, Conn.

Leadership at the AIA
Consistent with the concept of “One AIA,” I have served the past 10 years in a variety of leadership roles, ranging from local to national.


  • 1998-2001 Chair of AIA New York Chapter’s Committee on Architecture for Education
  • 1999-2001 Served on the board of AIA New York
  • 2001-2007 Mayoral Commission on the implementation of the International Building Code
  • 2007-2008 Member of AIA Connecticut’s coalition for state reform to create a qualifications-based selection process


  • 2001-2005 Committee on Architecture for Education’s national AIA Advisory Group
  • 2004-2005 Elected to a one-year term by Knowledge Community peers to serve on the Board Knowledge Committee
  • 2005-2008 Re-elected to the Board Knowledge Committee.

Leadership at allied organizations
Part of the AIA’s initiatives to create, articulate, and disseminate knowledge is centered on opportunities to align and strengthen ties with allied organizations.

  • 2001-present: North Atlantic Council Member, Society of College and University Planners (SCUP). Also initiated the SCUP-AIA-CAE Awards in 2001.
  • 2004-2005: American Architectural Foundation planning committee for the National Summit on School Design and the first Mayor’s Institute on School Design
  • 2005-2008: Initiated connections with the leaders of Public Education Buildings, a global organization focused on evidence that excellence of design of learning environments shapes and reinforces positive outcomes.

Personal data

  • Married to Bob (30 years); sons Brenton (22) and Garrett (16).
  • Have lived in the easternmost (U.S. Virgin Islands) and westernmost (Guam) U.S. territories.
  • Licensed in N.Y., N.J., and Conn. and am NCARB-certified.
  • BArch, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • MBA, University of Connecticut.

Contact information; 917-370-727

news headlines

See videos of the candidates’ speeches from the Grassroots Leadership and legislative conference.