March 21, 2008
Miguel A. Rodriguez, AIA

Having just completed a year of reflection, we are reminded that our history clearly shows the value that architects bring to our communities and clients. However, we cannot rest on accomplishments; they are opportunities to do better. Our decisions today and the actions they inspire become the reflections of future generations.

To remain relevant to society, the profession, and members, we must …

  • Look towards the future: listen to and understand their needs, then expand our role in service to our communities
  • Grow our leadership as the voice of the profession and trusted knowledge partner; understand what is required to stay ahead of global changes
  • Provide the knowledge, tools, and connections that members need to be successful and play key roles in their communities.

Above all, we must become an even more vibrant profession, open and attractive. Not tolerant, but accepting and embracing to all!

To succeed we have to . . .

  • Maintain a clear, consistent vision
  • Focus on members; provide better opportunities for them to inform our strategic vision
  • Build on the strength of components
  • Embrace partners that make us better, add value, and enable us to accomplish even more
  • Adopt an entrepreneurial attitude with a sense of urgency and thinking that allows acting outside the box, when it makes us better
  • Educate, mentor, and provide opportunities for future professionals
  • Develop and support leadership that understands this and can make it happen.

Our progress is the result of a consistent vision and strategic plan, strong leadership and hard work. I am proud to be part of that success and look forward to continuing, bringing the experience to make it happen and the desire, commitment, effort, and intensity to master opportunities.

I am sole principal of Rodriguez Architects; a small practice dedicated to serving our clients, community, and profession since 1990 and founded on the principle that we are responsible to all three.

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AIA Experience

AIA National

  • Vice-President (2007–2008)
  • Chair, Board Knowledge Committee (2008)
  • Chair, Board Advocacy Committee (2007)
  • Regional Director (2004–2006)
  • Chair, Continuing Education Quality Assurance Panel (2006–2007)
  • Small Firm Task Force (2006)
  • EVP/CEO Selection Committee (2005)
  • Tri-National Committee on Architecture/NAFTA (1997–2002).

AIA Florida (1998–2001)

  • President/First Vice President/Vice President
  • Chair, Communications Commission
  • Chair, Member Benefits/Recognition Commission.

AIA Miami (1993–1997)

  • President, Vice-President and Director.

Related Experience

NCARB Region 3 (2002–2004)

  • Vice-Chair/Treasurer/Director.

Florida Board of Architecture/Interior Design (2002–2004)

  • Chair, Probable Cause Panel (2003–2008).
news headlines

See videos of the candidates’ speeches from the Grassroots Leadership and legislative conference.