March 21, 2008
George H. Miller, FAIA

The AIA is a more effective and respected organization than ever before. If elected First Vice President/President-Elect, I will work with you to advance our AIA to a new level, celebrating the merits of great design and sustainable architecture and catalyzing the resources necessary for the practice of tomorrow.

The Blueprint for America has celebrated the value of design. It has shown how architects, working with community leaders, can envision healthier and safer places, and can build more sustainable and livable communities. Our leadership must continue.

Our world is changing at an accelerating rate. The AIA must set the pace, as leaders and stewards for our neighborhoods and the environment. A more agile AIA can provide greater value to all our members, worldwide.

My goals, as AIA President, will be to:


  • Encourage the sharing of knowledge across the Institute
  • Reinforce the relationship between the academic and practice communities
  • Strengthen the alignment between components and knowledge communities
  • Develop the tools necessary for integrated practice and sustainable design, and to research new materials and technology


  • Aggressively push toward our 2030 Initiative by ongoing advocacy for sustainable design, energy conservation, and carbon reduction
  • Speak out for more affordable housing, improved schools and hospitals, comprehensive regional planning, and better public transportation and infrastructure


  • Strongly support our associates, emerging professionals, and small firm practitioners
  • Increase our membership and support our components
  • Expand outreach to like-minded organizations

Diversity and Inclusiveness

  • Realize greater diversity so our profession reflects the society we serve.

The AIA has greatly enhanced my experience as an architect. I pledge to work with you to build the Institute into an even more highly respected organization, providing service to all our members and communicating to all the importance of architecture.

AIA National Service
Vice President, 2007-2008
Chair, AIA Strategic Initiatives Task Force, 2008
Co-Chair IDP Advisory Committee, 2007–2008
Chair, Board Community Committee, 2007
Chair, AIA150 Oversight Committee, 2005–2007
Board Knowledge Committee, 2004–2006
EVP/CEO Search Committee, 2004–2006
Sesquicentennial Blue Ribbon Panel, 2003–2004
Gold Medal and Firm Award Advisory Panel, 2004–2005.

AIA New York State
Regional Director, 2004–2006
Member, Executive Committee, 2004–2006.

AIA New York
President, 2003
Vice President/President Elect, 2002
Treasurer, 2001.

Other Activities
Architectural League of New York
Board of Directors, New York Building Congress
Large Firm Roundtable 1989–Present.

Partner, Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects.

Web site:

news headlines

See videos of the candidates’ speeches from the Grassroots Leadership and legislative conference.