October 12, 2007
  UIA Invites You—and the Rest of the World’s Architects—to Batimat 2007

Paris will host the 26th Batimat, from November 5–10, when the biennial trade fair will take stock of technical evolutions, performance, and innovations in the building industry. “Sustainable development” once again will serve as the overarching theme of the three key categories that have made huge advances: energy performance, security, and renovation. Batimat 2007 will have 2,700 exhibitors from 49 countries. The International Union of Architects is a series of international conferences relevant to these themes within the Batimat framework. Architects from around the world are invited to attend Batimat 2007 free of charge by registering online. For more information, visit the Batimat Web site. (Click the British flag in the upper left corner for the English translation.)

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