June 15, 2007

Be the CHANGE You Want to See in the Profession

Want to know more about Integrated Practice and Building Information Modeling? McGraw-Hill Construction and the AIA California Council invite you to the CHANGE Conference in San Francisco, June 25–26. Whatever your definition of Integrated Practice or your understanding of Building Information Modeling, it is undeniable that there are forces at work that are changing the way the world gets built. How these affect those involved in design and construction, and those who occupy, use, and are responsible for the operations of the built world is yet to be seen. However, changes are at work that are and will continue to challenge traditional and standard approaches to the design, construction, and occupancy of buildings. At this moment in time, join with a variety of talented, concerned, and involved individuals who, as both participants and observers, have a stake and a say in shaping the world in which we live. Join the CHANGE: for more information or to register, visit the conference Web site.


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