June 15, 2007
  WMF 100 Most Endangered Includes Machu Picchu, New Orleans, and Scott’s Hut, Antarctica
The World Monuments Fund on June 7 announced its biennial list of the 100 most endangered sites around the globe, highlighting three critical human-generated threats: political conflict, unchecked urban and industrial development, and, for the first time, global climate change. The Watch List, assembled by an international panel of experts in archaeology, architecture, art history, and preservation, is for many of the sites the best, and sometimes the only hope for survival.

ICC Mid-cycle Changes Call for Third Stair in High Rises
Last month, at the midpoint of the three-year cycle of changes for the 2009 International family of codes, the International Code Council held its final hearing in Rochester, N.Y., and made significant changes that will have a dramatic effect on architecture practice. The new rules require an additional stairway in all buildings (except R-2 occupancies) with occupied floors more than 420 feet in height and a firefight elevator in buildings over 120 feet. The changes also embrace the “live-work concept,” lessening fire separation requirements between living and business spaces in mixed-use buildings. For more information on these and other ICC actions, read the AIA Angle.

AIA National Awards Process Goes Electronic
Submitting applications for the prestigious AIA national awards is becoming much easier—and environmentally friendly—this year as the process goes online. The 2008 Fellowship site is up and running, and more than 30 of your intrepid colleagues already have taken the plunge and completed their entries. The Institute Honors site will be live by mid-June, followed by sites for Professional Achievement and Membership. Fellowship submissions are due October 19. Be sure you go through the “Walk Through” of required materials to make the actual application process even easier. For more information, including a schedule of dates for submissions for all of this year’s awards, visit the AIA Honors and Awards site. (Pictured is this year’s College of Fellows induction ceremony at the Alamo. Photo © Aaron Johnson, Innov8ivDesign Incorporated.)

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