May 4, 2007

Delegates Vote to Expand the Scope of AIA Membership Categories
Resolution passes for a coalition in support of sustainable practices

After an introduction on the morning of June 5 to the newly elected officers of the AIA—2009 President Marvin J. Malecha, FAIA; Vice Presidents Peter J. Arsenault, AIA, and Clark Manus, FAIA; and Treasurer Hal P. Munger, FAIA—the delegates to the AIA National Convention in San Antonio voted affirmatively on three Bylaws Amendments and a Resolution advocating professional collaboration as the path to a sustainable future for society.

Bylaws Amendment 07-A, that the scope of potential nominators for Honorary Fellowship be expanded to include any member of the Institute, passed. Previously, the Institute Bylaws provided that only members of the Board, the College of Fellows, or the International Committee may nominate qualified individuals for Honorary Fellowship. Now any AIA member in good standing may make such a nomination—of an architect of esteemed character and distinguished achievements who is neither a U.S. citizen nor a resident of the U.S., and who does not primarily practice architecture within the domain of the Institute—for Honorary Fellowship.

Bylaws Amendment 07-B passed, allowing incapacitated members the option of Emeritus membership. To ameliorate the hardships experienced by incapacitated members who do not meet the previous two criteria for emeritus membership—attaining the age of 70 or being retired and at least 60 years of age—members, regardless of age, may now apply for Emeritus status if they satisfy other AIA-membership eligibility requirements and are so incapacitated as to be unable to work in the profession. Such dues waivers may be approved for only one year at a time and may not be granted for more than three consecutive years.

Delegates also passed Bylaws Amendment 07-C creating an Associate-member Emeritus category. About 355 Associate members currently are eligible for Emeritus membership status, which, if they successfully apply for that status would expand the current Emeritus ranks by 8 percent. Convention delegates decided that it would be fair and reasonable to make Emeritus status available to Associate members on essentially the same basis as it is to Architect members.

Resolution on collaborating with allied professional organizations to address the challenge of sustainability passes. The resolution, sponsored by the Boston Society of Architects/AIA and New England Regional Director Peter Kuttner, FAIA, calls for the AIA to adopt a transparent AIA policy for collaboration between AIA components and allied professional organizations through the Coalition on Green Buildings and Sustainable Community Design. The AIA will maintain a representative balance of the full spectrum of professionals with a role in creating healthy and sustainable communities and support the development of regional coalitions to address regional collaborations and projects. Specific activities and budgets will be communicated annually with components, knowledge communities, and members.

Recognition and appreciation
As is traditional, delegates also voted to recognize:

  • Newly licensed members
  • Departing members of the Council of Architectural Component Executives Diana Barnwell for 9 years of service and commitment to the AIA Pasadena & Foothill Chapter and the AIA California Council and Marga Rose Hancock, Hon. AIA, for 22 years of service and commitment to the AIA Seattle Chapter and AIA Washington Council
  • Retiring Executive Committee and Board members.

They also voted by acclamation to extend appreciation to the host chapter; convention committees; exhibitors; and AIA President RK Stewart, FAIA, and his wife, Barbara Lyons Stewart, AIA.

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