May 4, 2007

The Secret to “Likeability”
Is it a skill set worth developing?
Business psychologist Pam Holloway says that strange as it might seem, likeability is not a gift—it’s a skill set. Is it worth developing? You decide. Here’s what we know about likeable people:

  • They are more successful in business and in life
  • They get elected, promoted, and rewarded more often than those less likable
  • They close more sales and make more money
  • They get better service from all types of service providers, including doctors and other health care providers (which means they may live longer as well!).

Citizen Architect: Maureen Guttman, AIA
As the new director of the Pennsylvania Governor’s Green Government Council, Maureen Guttman, AIA, is a strong voice for the profession and an advocate for environmentally sustainable practices in planning, policymaking, and regulatory operations in Pennsylvania government. Appointed to her new position early last month, Guttman will work in partnership with commonwealth agencies to help cut energy costs, move toward energy independence, and stimulate Pennsylvania’s economy.

“Bike to Work Day” Can Teach Livable, Green Design
“Bike to Work Day” will take place on May 17 in the San Francisco Bay area and May 16 and 18 in other parts of the country. The day-long event is part of “Bike to Work, School, Errands, or Play Week” and “Bike Month.” The goal of the nationwide event is to spotlight human transportation, encourage governments to provide infrastructure for bicycling, and increase awareness about global warming, congestion, and unsafe streets. Ron Bishop, AIA, East Bay, Calif., believes AIA members can learn livable, green design strategies by participating in the event.

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This is the home of the weekly Best Practices column, news of tips and tools that you can use in your day-to-day practice and case studies illustrating “how-tos” and “lessons learned” for all stages of practice. The Practice Zone also features reports of research in architecture and related fields.