March 21, 2007
That April 9–14 Is National Architecture Week?

In celebration of its 150th anniversary, AIA chapters national and local are hosting a variety of events to engage the public in a dialogue about the role of architects and architecture in creating a better world for all. Events scheduled for Architecture Week include: The opening of the America’s Favorite Architecture exhibition, AIA New York Design Awards exhibition opening, The AIA National Presidential and Mayor Proclamation Ceremony, AIA Louisiana’s Celebrating Architecture Symposium, and AIA Gainesville’s Gold Tournament. Check the AIA 150 and the AIA Calendar Web sites for the continuing updates. By the way, what are you and your chapter doing for Architecture Week?

TISP Annual Congress Coming Up March 28–29
See the latest in building security

Join the Infrastructure Security Partnership (TISP) for its sixth annual Congress on Infrastructure Security for the Built Environment on March 28–29, in Arlington, Va., and take part in the discussion of “Achieving Resilience: From Readiness to Restoration.” The Congress will feature speakers and panelists from the White House, the Department of Homeland Security, Congress, the intelligence community, industry, and academia. The AIA is a founding member of TISP, which was activated after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to promote protection of the nation’s critical infrastructure from human and natural hazards. TISP is a public-private partnership that includes the major design, engineering, and construction societies as well as key federal, state, and local government agencies involved in homeland security. For more information, visit the TISP Web site.

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