Using Standardized Room Data Sheets
A new book on lab design explains the technique thoroughly

One way to trigger commercial building users' involvement in the definition of the architectural space they need is to work with them on completing standardized room data sheets, as Fernand W. Dahan, FAIA, describes in his book Laboratories: A Guide to Master Planning, Programming, Procurement, and Design (Norton Books, 2001).

"The design of a laboratory room starts with the preparation of a room data sheet (RDS) and a preferred room arrangement. The preparer(s) of the RDS and of the preferred room arrangement should have an understanding of what the modular system is and how this system is used in designing the laboratory room. The laboratory room user, guided by management, should prepare for each room an RDS and a sketch showing the preferred room arrangement, using the typical layouts described in this chapter….

Laboratories: A Guide to Master Planning, Programming, Procurement, and Design features numerous illustrations and guidelines for lab design, including ADA requirement for fume hood design, as shown here."The RDS is an information gathering tool as well as an information provider, and therefore should contain all information and requirements pertaining to the laboratory room . . .

"Once a laboratory room is classified, the architect and the engineers involved in the programming of the laboratory will, with the laboratory user's involvement, determine and describe the architectural, mechanical, and electrical requirements for each laboratory room."

Laboratories: A Guide to Master Planning, Programming, Procurement, and Design contains sample Room Data Sheets for labs. While the format may be more technical than necessary for other building types, the concept remains the same and can be modified as needed.

Copyright 2002 The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved.


Click here to read a review by esteemed practitioner Ellis W. Bullock Jr., FAIA, of Laboratories: A Guide to Master Planning, Programming, Procurement, and Design.

Laboratories: A Guide to Master Planning, Programming, Procurement, and Design is available from the AIA Bookstore. For information, call 800-242-3837 option #4; fax 202-626-7519; or send an email.

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