December 7, 2006
  Design a Better World by Taking the ENERGY STAR Challenge

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) ENERGY STAR® program and the AIA once again are challenging all architects to design buildings that reduce the energy use contributing to CO2 emissions. Do your part and join the growing number of architects taking the ENERGY STAR Challenge by submitting energy-efficient design projects to the EPA. Projects that receive an EPA energy rating of 75 or higher from the Target Finder tool are distinguished as “Designed to Earn the ENERGY STAR.” Architecture firms and the projects submitted by March 15, 2008, will be showcased for fighting global warming through energy-efficient design at the AIA 2008 National Convention in Boston in May. The EPA Web site and national trade publications will also feature ENERGY STAR Challenge participants’ accomplishments. To take the challenge, visit the ENERGY STAR Web site.

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