September 25, 2009
  AIA Transportation Forum Places Transit as the Foundation of Sustainable Communities
A diverse group of infrastructure and planning officials came together at the AIA national headquarter in Washington, D.C., to come to some common conclusions about the nation’s transportation needs. At the top of the list: a unified and collaborative approach that reaches across levels of government and state and municipal lines and a recognition that a 21st century sustainable transit system must act as a building block towards more sustainable and livable communities.

AIA Board Engages in Community Beautification
AIA National Board of Directors spent part of their Saturday on September 5 to pull weeds, gather trash, and fix up furnishings in a community park in Philadelphia during a break from the day’s Board meeting. Twenty volunteers, including Board members, family, and AIA staff joined with the Point Breeze Pioneers cleaning up Concert Garden and surrounding areas in the city’s Point Breeze neighborhood.

2010 AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion Submission Deadline Is October 23
The AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion for Excellence in Architectural Education is awarded jointly by the AIA and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture to an individual, who must be living at the time of nomination, who has spent at least a decade primarily involved in architectural education and whose primary contribution to architectural education has been on the North American continent.

Google SketchUp Launches Version 7.1
Google announced September 22 that the latest version of its SketchUp modeling software is now available both in the free download and the SketchUp Pro version. (SketchUp Pro 7.0 subscribers get a free upgrade to 7.1.)

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