September 11, 2009
  AIA to Host Public Infrastructure Forums Beginning in DC in September
Meeting in Pasadena to follow

Summary: The first of a series of AIA-hosted forums open to the public on transportation and infrastructure needs will take place September 21 at AIA national component headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Panelists, AIA members, and the public will discuss the infrastructure vision for the Washington, D.C., region as it relates to future infrastructure spending. Join AIA members and local leaders, including Greater Washington Board of Trade President James Dinegar and Coalition for Smarter Growth Executive Director Stewarat Schwarz, in a discussion about regional needs for more livable and sustainable transportation policies.

The AIA National/AIADC Public Infrastructure Forum is scheduled for 5:30 to 7:30 pm in the AIA Board Room on the second floor of 1735 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C.

Architects will be holding the transportation and infrastructure forums nationwide this fall. For more information on locations and how you can get engaged in your community, visit the AIA Rebuild and Renew Sharepoint site or contact Adam Melis.

news headlines

Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Hon. AIA (D-Ore.), is committed to promoting livable communities at the federal level. This past summer, Blumenauer asked the AIA and other organizations to host forums on transportation and infrastructure needs as part of his National Plan to Reinvest in America initiative.