May 15, 2009
  Attention: No Issue on June 5

Summary: AIArchitect will not publish a June 5 issue. A shortfall in AIA revenue requires us to make reductions in operating expenses in order to operate within our 2009 budget. To ensure that our expense reductions result in a balanced budget, all national component staff will be on furlough and our offices closed June 1 through 8:30 a.m. EDT on Monday, June 8. Staff will not report to work, nor are they permitted to perform any Institute-related work while on furlough, including seemingly simple tasks, such as answering phone calls and e-mail messages, in keeping with federal law.

However, the AIA Web site will be available (with no staff to provide service) during the furlough period. Should you have any questions during the furlough, we encourage you to consult the quick links to resources on that can help you answer a wide range of questions regarding the products and services important to your membership. Or, contact your local AIA component.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as the Institute responds to the realities of the economic recession.

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