May 8, 2009
  Mickey Jacob Elected 2010-2011 Vice President

Mickey Jacob, FAIA, has been elected as 2010-2011 AIA vice president. He is managing principal at Urban Studio Architects in Tampa, Fla., a 15-person firm focusing on implementing sustainable design into the marketplace. Jacob is committed to leadership in community, business, and the profession. An advocate of AIA participation, he has held numerous leadership positions with AIA Tampa Bay and AIA Florida.

Following his 18-month term as president of AIA Florida, 2004–2005, Jacob was elected as the 2007-2009 AIA regional director representing Florida and the Caribbean. On the AIA national Board, he has served on the Advocacy Committee and the Member Outreach Subcommittee working to develop the new “Year Round Advocacy” program.

Jacob believes that leadership is vital to the AIA’s long-term success.” In these times of great economic challenges, architects must embrace opportunities to become leaders in the profession and the community to achieve the visibility that our profession deserves,” he says. “I believe the role of vice president is to work with members to seek those opportunities to build the leadership that will accomplish our strategic goals. Together, we must create a culture of using the AIA to facilitate member involvement in areas of personal interest that will enable us to advocate effectively for sustainable design, streamline communications with components and members, provide business information and support for architects and firms, improve our diversity by removing barriers, mentor and nurture the development of emerging professionals, build on the influence established in the political arena, ensure that government stimulus dollars benefit the profession, and help components promote our members as leaders.”

By implementing this process, he states, architects will create a long-range plan to become a leadership and business force: “Through the participation and energy of our members, the AIA will evolve into an influential and respected nationwide leadership group dedicated to finding thoughtful and workable solutions that can and will make a difference. I am very excited about the possibilities.”

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