March 13, 2009
  Learn from the AIA Convention with the Full In-person Experience or Remotely
Of course, there’s nothing to compare with being there and networking with colleagues to derive the full benefit of the AIA 2009 National Convention and Design Exposition, and, yet, there are three other options that will give you a connection to your fellow professionals and access to continuing education credits: single-day registration, Expo-floor-only registration, and, as a new feature, live streaming video on your office/home computer of more than a dozen programs, including all three theme-session presentations.

Free Webinar Asks Where Opportunities Are Amid an Economic Downturn
Credit woes and widespread economic uncertainty continue to roil the design and construction markets, and the AIA’s Navigating the Economy initiative is there to help members pick up the pieces. “Position Your Firm for the End of the Economic Downturn,” the third in a series of Navigating the Economy Webinars, will take place on March 17, from 2:00 p.m. till 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time. This live, timely, and interactive discussion will focus on what effect emergency federal stimulus legislation will have on the architecture economy, ways that firms can reposition themselves to blunt the impact of this economic storm, and the future of the profession. It’s all free and available only to members. Continuing education learning units are also available for participants.

AIA South Carolina Honors Eleven Projects
The AIA South Carolina Chapter held its annual Design Awards celebration ceremony on February 28 in downtown Charleston. The theme for this year’s spring meeting was Diversity.

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This is where you will find the latest happenings in the Institute, the profession, and the wider world of building design and construction. The News Zone also carries commentary from AIA elected representatives as well as major new commissions, completions, and openings.