October 31, 2008

Don’t Miss these Design for Aging Webinars
The Design for Aging Knowledge Community invites you to join them for two Webinars highlighting award-winning design for seniors

  • November, 19, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. ET: Blueprints for Design: 21st-Century Trends in Senior Housing Unveiled
    The Design for Aging Review, a biennial competition, presented by the AIA Design for Aging Knowledge Community and the American Association of Homes and Services, showcases facilities that improve quality of life for the aging while exhibiting innovation in their design and execution. More than 300 facilities have been recognized in this review. This Webinar will review the most recent award winning projects and distill from both the award winners and submissions the significant trends that all future design should be mindful of for the broad range of facilities and communities serving seniors.
  • December 10, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. ET: Design for Aging Post-Occupancy Evaluations
    What is a Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE)? What can be learned to improve our design of living environments for seniors? Find the answers in this presentation showcasing three award-winning projects in Texas from the Design for Aging Review 9. See what lessons were learned and how effective solutions can be easily implemented in future projects, and how to avoid critical errors. Through data collection and analysis, interviews, on-site observations, and graphics and images, POEs evaluate and explain what design features work well, which do not, and provide the foundation for evidence-based design.

Both programs offer 1.5 HSW LUs, and feature the following panelists:
Dennis Cope, AIA; Frank S. Crane, retired president and CEO, River Woods Company; John W. Gould, AIA , BKV Group, Inc.: and Tom Hauer, executive director, Covenant Village. For more information, visit the Design for Aging Web site.

DC Hosts HealthCare Design 08 Conference in November
Vendome Group, publisher of Healthcare Design and Long-Term Living magazines, and The Center for Health Design, a nonprofit research and advocacy organization, in conjunction with the AIA Academy of Architecture for Health, invite you to participate in HealthCare Design 08 November 8-11 in Washington, D.C., at the newly opened Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center designed by Gensler. HealthCare Design 08 is devoted to how the design of responsible built environments directly impacts the safety, operation, clinical outcomes, and financial success of health-care facilities now and into the future. Attendees have more than 100 educational sessions and roundtable discussion workshops to choose from. For more information, visit the AAH Web site.

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