October 24, 2008
President Purnell Rocks the Vote

Vote November 4 or vote early … but do vote

by Marshall Purnell, FAIA
AIA President

Summary: Take two minutes and read this important message below—or watch the video—from a fellow citizen and architect.


I’ve spoken with many of you as a colleague, as president of the AIA, and as a friend. Today I’m speaking to you as a fellow citizen to ask you to do something very simple yet very important this November 4 :

I’m asking you to get out and vote.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not asking you to vote for a particular party or candidate. That’s your choice—and your choice alone.

I’m asking you to do the most patriotic thing you can do as an American. Because after all the rallies and campaign ads and e-mails of this election season, what matters most is that you take part in our democracy and make your voice heard!

Here’s what to do: Open up your calendar right now and mark down November 4 as the day you’re going to get out and vote. Give yourself some extra time, because I guarantee you in many places there will be long lines.

There are big issues in this election: The economy. The environment. Health care. Housing. These are the issues we architects deal with each and every day. Thanks to your tireless efforts, the AIA has made great strides in strengthening our voice, from the halls of the U.S. Capitol to city halls all around the country.

As architects, we fulfill our obligation every day to serve our communities; taking part in the electoral process is just as important. It’s a civic duty.

If your calendar is packed like mine, consider voting early by absentee ballot, or by early voting if your state allows it. If you need information about voting, including absentee voting, early voting, and how to find your polling place, visit www.aia.org/designvote.

So please—open up your Outlook, take out your Blackberry or iPhone, clear off your desk calendar—and block off time to go to the polls on Election Day, November 4. It’s the most important appointment you will make all year.

I’m Marshall Purnell, and I approve this message.

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