October 24, 2008
  College of Fellows Calls for Nominations for Secretary

The 2008 College of Fellows Nominating Committee is soliciting nominations for Secretary for 2009-2011, to be presented for consideration at the annual COF business meeting during the AIA national convention in San Francisco in May 2009. Nominations should include:

  • A cover letter (no longer than two standard pages) with name, address, telephone number, and a description of interest and understanding of the position
  • An executive summary or résumé (not to exceed five pages) that includes a list of significant AIA activities and accomplishments
  • A maximum of three letters of recommendation forwarded to the chair of the nominating committee.

Address letters to: Nominating Committee Chair, AIA College of Fellows, 1735 New York Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20006-5292, by February 6, 2009.

For more information, contact Pauline Porter, 202-626-7521.

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