October 10, 2008
AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion Nominations Due Oct. 24

Nominations for the 2009 AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion for Excellence in Architectural Education must be postmarked by October 24. The annual honor, awarded jointly by the AIA and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), pays homage to a living individual who has made outstanding contributions to architecture education—primarily in North America—for at least 10 years and whose teaching has influenced a broad range of students. Any colleague, student, or former student may nominate candidates for the Topaz Medallion. New this year: All submissions must be provided on a disk, not in a binder. For more information, contact the AIA Honors and Awards department, or visit the AIA Honors and Awards Web site. Pictured is Stanley Tigerman, FAIA, the 2008 Topaz Medallion recipient.)

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