September 12, 2008
  AIA Fall Advocacy Agenda Set to Help Architects Get Work for Their Communities
Do your part: Contact your reps during this crucial four-week window

As the economy continues to struggle, the AIA and its members are uniting to send the message that Congress can and must act to stimulate the design and construction industry, which accounts for nearly one in 10 dollars of the United States GDP, creates millions of jobs, and supports millions of small businesses. Congress convened in Washington for a crucial four-week work period before the November elections, during which they will consider proposals that could potentially result in more work for you and your firm, including:

  • Incentives for green commercial construction: This federal incentive, which provides a deduction of $1.80 per square foot for design and construction of energy-efficient commercial buildings, is slated to expire at the end of this year.
  • Funding for school construction and renovation: Earlier this summer, the House of Representatives approved the 21st Century High-Performing Public Schools Facilities Act (HR 3021), a bill that would provide billions in federal dollars for the modernization, renovation, and repair of schools across America. This legislation should be passed by Congress this fall.

Read more about these incentives, then contact your member of Congress and ask for support for these measures today! It’s quick and easy via the AIA Advocacy Center.

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