September 12, 2008
Sign Up for SOLOSO and Get Your Work Noticed

Summary: If you want your clients to know that other architects know that you know what you’re doing, SOLOSO is the place to go.

Got that?

What it really means is that SOLOSO is more than your sole source for technical and product information. If you take advantage of its interactive features, it is also an independent, quality-controlled forum for the dissemination of everything your clients want to know about their prospective architect: past project experience, range of services, practice research, and more. It can broaden the reach of your firm and attach the credibility of the Institute to your work, for all clients to see.

When you post information to SOLOSO, your AIA peers rate it and comment on it, elevating the best work to the top. AIA Knowledge Resources staff and the AIA member-composed SOLOSO Editorial Content Review Board also vet information for accuracy and appropriateness.

So sign up, post articles that highlight your expertise and project information, and take advantage of what could become a key element to your marketing strategy. And let your clients know about it, too.

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Upload your work to SOLOSO today!

Visit the SOLOSO Tutorials page for instruction on how to navigate your way into and around this on-line member benefit.