July 11, 2008
  Reminder: Fantasy Architecture Submissions Due July 18

The fantastic, the impossible, the improbable, or the just ahead of its time—AIArchitect wants to see it all for our second annual theme issue later this summer. The August 22 edition of AIArchitect will be liberated from the confines of physics, cost, and function to present our readers with the best in fantasy design for design’s sake. But we need your help! If you’ve got a project—built or unbuilt—that fulfills your fantasy (or your client’s), please submit a one-page description and no more than five JPEG files of your design to Managing Editor Stephanie Stubbs. All submissions must be received via e-mail by July 18 and will be selected for publication by the AIArchitect staff. (Pictured is an aquatic research and housing facility designed by Jason Mellard, Assoc. AIA, LEED-AP, which was featured in last year’s Fantasy Architecture issue. To see last year’s issue, click here.


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