June 13, 2008

Richie Wants YOU to Submit a Proposal!
Upjohn Research Submissions Due September 1

The AIA Upjohn Research Initiative, is seeking proposals for research projects to be completed in an 18-month period, beginning December 1, 2008. Up to four grants will be awarded between $15,000 and $30,000 each for selected projects. These funds will need to be hard-dollar matched, and a maximum of 10 percent of funds may be used for overhead. Proposals must be framed within one of six broad research areas: Social, Technological, Environmental, Cultural, Organizational, or Design. Recipients will have their findings and outcomes published electronically and in a nationally distributed publication. Preference will be given to proposals that have teams composed of academics and practitioners. Beneficial to selection are long track records of collaboration by the teams. For the complete call for proposals, which includes a list of AIA research priorities, click on this link to the Call for Submissions.


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