April 11, 2008
  AIA Podcast Offers Insights on Coping with Unfavorable Business Conditions

Just posted is a 25-minute on-line discussion of the current economic situation, how it affects architects, and how firms can position themselves to cope with business conditions that are looking increasingly unfavorable. AIA Chief Economist Kermit Baker, PhD, Hon. AIA; firm management consultant Michael Strogoff, AIA; and small-firm practitioner and educator Marjorie Callahan, AIA, provide their insight into how to keep your firm going strong by keeping in touch with clients, targeting the firm, making tough staffing decisions, diversifying, making wise project decisions, and otherwise positioning yourself for the inevitable market upturns. To listen to this discussion, click here.

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Related free Webinar to occur April 29
To explore the causes and depth of the current economic downturn, and options for maintaining a strong competitive edge, the AIA will conduct an on-line seminar April 29th, 1:30pm–3:00pm EDT, “Architecture Practice in an Economic Downturn: Challenges and Opportunities.” Details for registration will be in next week’s Business section of AIArchitect.