April 11, 2008
  AAH AIA National Healthcare Awards Submissions Due May 19
The AIA Academy of Architecture for Health is proud to announce the initiation of the AIA National Healthcare Design Awards program. The program will showcase the best of health-care building design and health-care design-oriented research. Projects should exhibit conceptual strength and solve aesthetic, civic, urban, and social concerns as well as the requisite functional and sustainability concerns of a hospital. The AIA/AAH will recognize the firms for their contribution to the health-care environment. (There presently are only two annual AIA/AAH-endorsed health-care awards programs: the new AIA National Healthcare Design Awards and the longstanding Vista Awards, a joint effort with AHA/ASH). For more information, visit the AAH Web site.

Join the Historic Resources Committee for an Exciting Event at the AIA Convention
WE28 Conducting a Historic Structure Assessment HSW
May 14, 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Walk the Freedom Trail. By participating in an actual hands-on assessment of the historic home of Paul Revere, you will learn how to investigate, document, and assess a historic property properly. Led by a team of experienced preservation architects, you will review what to look for to identify significant features, historic significance, and appropriate treatments as well as the role your documentation can play in guiding a structure's future. Speakers are Victoria T. Jacobsen, AIA, and Elizabeth Corbin Murphy, FAIA. (7.5 learning units; 1.875 Training Units, Area 17—Historical Restoration.)
For more information, visit the HRC Web site.

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