Ecobuild America Takes Place This Spring in Anaheim
May 19–22 event offers AIA members discounts on registration, exhibitions admission.
Ecobuild America and AEC Science and Technology is coming to Anaheim, May 19–22. This three-day conference and two-day exhibit features keynote sessions, workshops, and seminars that cover everything from green building, sustainable design, practice management, BIM, LEED ® for schools, eco-intelligent buildings, designing green roofs, and more. Attendees will include the federal government, design and construction decision makers from the public sector and private practice, AEC professionals, owners, developers, and facility managers—the entire project team. Continuing Education and AIA-CES learning units are available for many sessions. Register by April 11 to save up to $100 on a three-day passport, which includes the Ecobuild America and AEC-Science and Technology conference and exhibits. (After the deadline, AIA members still will receive an additional 20 percent discount. Use priority code EO7AIA and discount code HSE14 for all registrations.) For details and to register, visit the Ecobuild Web site.