November 2, 2007

AIA Contract Docs Hosts 2007 Owner/Contractor Agreements Webinar on December 4

Summary: AIA Contract Documents will host a Web seminar, “2007 AIA Contract Documents: What’s New?” on December 4 from 1:00–2:30 p.m. ET to provide an overview of the AIA Contract Documents program and the new digital practice documents, and then delve into the revisions to the A201™-2007 and the 2007 Owner/Architect agreements.

The Institute revises A201TM–General Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the AIA Owner/Architect and Owner/Contractor agreements on a 10-year cycle. This presentation will provide an overview of the AIA Contract Documents program, the new digital practice documents, and the revisions to AIA Document A201TM–2007 and the 2007 Owner/Architect agreements. This Webinar will explain the AIA revision process and identify the pros and cons of each revision with respect to the owner, contractor, and architect. The presenter, Suzanne Harness, Esq., AIA, managing director and counsel, is responsible for the content of AIA Contract Documents. Tuition for the Web seminar is $135 per site; one registration fee allows for group participation for colleagues in your office. The program provides 1.5 LUs/HSW for AIA members.

Learning objectives for the Web seminar are for participants to:

  • Explore the AIA Documents Committee revision process, including the involvement of industry partners, to arrive at document text that fairly balances the interests of all parties
  • Evaluate the pros and cons of the issues addressed in the proposed revisions and appreciate the implications they will have for the owner, the contractor, and the architect
  • Discuss how the proposed revisions in one document will affect, or be reflected in, other AIA Documents

Participation in this seminar requires a telephone and a computer with Internet access. Groups will need a projector and screen. For more information or to register, visit the virtual seminar Web site. Questions? Contact Vanessa Williamson.


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